Many people think that rock is an aggressive manifestation of music, wrong and even harmful. However, it has been proven that it is this kind of music that has the best effect on a person’s mental abilities.
The positive aspects of rock music
Rock is a kind of multifaceted musical style. It can be not only heavy, but also melodic and melodic. However, many would agree with this opinion that when listening to rock, a person wants to be active. This direction of music gives him energy and makes him most mobile. Millions of people all over the world love rock, which sets them up for quick reactions, sudden movements, rage, fear, love, and sex. Rock in some way educates people and makes their outlook different.
There is a perception in our society that heavy metal fans are depressed and prone to suicidal thoughts, as well as being somewhat dangerous to society at large. However, they are practically harmless people who are generally good for society. As a rule, they are subtle and talented natures, sometimes with low self-esteem, hard-working and not particularly sociable, but gentle and calm.
Moreover, scientists from Britain said that human development is directly related to what music he listens. In a number of studies it was found that those children who prefer heavy music, have the highest rates of intelligence. In addition, heavy metal fans are considered to be kind and friendly.
The negative influence of rock music on a person’s character
It has long been known that each direction in music affects the formation of the human character in its own way. For example, rock music has a harsh style, monotonous repetitions and strong bass, and all this does not affect the human behavior in the best way.
It is a common stereotype to think that heavy rock is music for frowny and not very educated teenagers. Back in the eighties, rockers were compared to Satanists. Gloomy young men in leather leather jackets terrified mothers with babies and people of retirement age.
The volume of listening to music affects how the brain works, so rock music that sounds quiet has the best effect on a person. And if you listen to it very loudly, it will only increase emotional tension and anxiety, and to some extent suppress a person’s intellectual abilities.
In practice, most rockers, having grown up, begin to give preference to the classical genre of music, while not abandoning their favorite rock. Surprisingly, fans of both genres are somewhat similar to each other. Both are creative personalities, laid-back and not very communicative.
Naturally, rock music has both advantages and disadvantages. Each person chooses his or her own songs and tunes according to his or her character and preferences.